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The ActOnThisTV Audio Experience

Sep 14, 2022

In this LIVE broadcast replay, I recap on our latest Act On This member Zoom call with ITV's 'Ridley' actor George Bukhari, talk all things acting and mindset...

AND... share how YOU can get a 1-2-1 with BBC 'Casualty' casting director Rowland Beckley!

If you're interested in 'bulletproofing' your mindset...

Sep 6, 2022

In this LIVE broadcast replay, I talk all things acting, showreels, MINDSET & MORE!

If you're interested in 'bulletproofing' your mindset and psychology, please do 2 things for me.

1. Fill out this quick mindset survey -

2. Get on the waiting list for my upcoming 'Bulletproof Actor' LIVE...