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The ActOnThisTV Audio Experience

May 28, 2016

Do you ever take time out to appreciate the positive impact you can and do have on the world?

If you don't, you really should!

Every day you have 1440 minutes to use up.

You have the 'choice' - do you use those 1440 opportunities to impact the world negatively, or do you 'choose' to use those 1440 opportunities to...

May 20, 2016

Sometimes it can seem like we are giving it EVERYTHING we have, but we still aren't seeing results.

It's frustrating isn't it? And in many cases people give up on pursuing their dreams for this very reason.

In this week's 'Five To Thrive' podcast, I discuss the fact that life-changing results can come at ANY TIME -...

May 13, 2016

WAY too many people see being the 'underdog' as a negative!

For me, being the underdog and being told that I can't do something is like oxygen for my soul!

You see, being the underdog gives you some major competitive advantages.

Listen to this week's 'Five To Thrive' episode and discover what they are!

If you are an...

May 5, 2016

Method acting? Meisner? Stanislavsky? Strasberg? - acting technique gets VERY confusing doesn't it?

In this episode of 'Five To Thrive', I try and simplify the idea of acting technique with a little help from LA acting coach, Anthony Meindl, and his new book.

You see, neither myself or Anthony believe in technique per...